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Resources To Support Your Child's Wellbeing To Adulthood

Nine to eleven is an age of real change, children start to experience increasing social pressures, forming stronger friendships and peer groups, they start to feel more stress and pressure around school work and exams, and become more aware of their body image as they prepare for puberty. With high school a stone's throw away, it can feel like life is suddenly increasing speed and everything is changing. Our resources can help your children to feel more confident about facing change and themselves, whilst easing worries and teaching coping mechanisms that last a lifetime.


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What your membership includes:

Over 300 fun and creative resources

Resources based on tried and tested techniques and approved therapist tools

Crafts, worksheets, games and more

New resources uploaded every week

Monthly affirmations and mindfulness exercises based on seasonal themes

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Teach Coping and Calming Mechanisms

When it feels like everything is changing around you, but you feel like you have no control, life can become very overwhelming, very quickly. Our resilience-boosting resources can help your child face these fast-paced changes head on, helping to explore worries and feelings and teach them ways to deal with escalating emotions as they come. Help your child to learn useful coping techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, grounding techniques and the ways of self care. Our Coping with Change pack has over 30 pages of resources to help your child learn about why life changes and why this is important in our development and growth.

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Separation Anxiety Pack

Support Them Through Life's Ups and Downs

During this age, we begin to understand more about the pitfalls life can bring, such as death and divorce. Our resources are used by many parents to help support children through a range of emotions and feelings, helping them to celebrate the positive experiences but also deal with the not so positive ones. Our resources are also used by children's homes and domestic violence charities, to help children who have experienced trauma.

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